[Bobwhite Blather] One down, two to go?

Bobwhite Blather Scouting Blog bobwhiteblather at lists.bobwhiteblather.com
Thu Jul 30 05:01:01 PDT 2015

There's a new item at Bobwhite Blather: 'One down, two to go?'

By now, you have heard that the Boy Scouts of America has lifted its ban on
employment and volunteer registration of openly gay individuals. The executive
board followed the lead of BSA president Dr. Robert Gates, who in May told the
national meeting that it was time for the BSA to deal with "the world as it is,
not as we might wish it to be." His remarks and the board's action have met with
surprisingly widespread approval from those inside the movement as well as the
general population. As our society comes around to a mode of inclusion, the
welcoming attitude towards the idea is really no surprise.

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Bobwhite Blather
scouter at fmaynard.com

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