[Bobwhite Blather] Cub Scouting's New Beginning

Bobwhite Blather Scouting Blog bobwhiteblather at lists.bobwhiteblather.com
Mon Jun 1 05:01:42 PDT 2015

There's a new item at Bobwhite Blather: 'Cub Scouting's New Beginning'

Today is June 1, 2015 - a date that a lot of Scouters have been anticipating,
either with excitement or dread. It's the day on which the biggest overhaul of
the Cub Scouting program in recent memory takes place.

The rollout of the Cub Scout Adventure Program, an outcome of the 2011
strategtic plan, includes many features intended to increase interest,
engagement and retention for the Scouts as well as make life easier for the
adult leaders. By condensing the myriad requirement complexities of the various
den-level programs into a common, more easily understood structure of
Adventures, it's hoped that planning den and pack meetings will be streamlined
(giving you back one of those one-a-week hours that seem to mysteriously
multiply). It makes things clearer for the parents as well - and hopefully a lot
more fun for the boys we serve.

As with any well-run activity, though, you can't just drop in unprepared and run
an interesting and engaging den or pack meeting.

Read the rest of this post at

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Best regards,
Bobwhite Blather
scouter at fmaynard.com

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