[Bobwhite Blather] This is the Boy Scouts. This is America.

Bobwhite Blather Scouting Blog bobwhiteblather at lists.bobwhiteblather.com
Thu Feb 2 12:36:27 PST 2017

There's a new item in Bobwhite's Blog at Bobwhite Blather:

This is the Boy Scouts. This is America.

This week I attended the quarterly court of honor at my old troop. The troop is
doing well with a healthy youth membership, youth leaders in charge and
supportive adults. While I think things were pretty good when I was active and
serving as committee chair, the current adult leadership has continued the
tradition of excellence and improved on it in the years since I left “active

One thing that has changed is the makeup of the Scout membership. I recognized a
few of the Scouts but there is a whole new crop of boys whom I had never met.

What struck me as unique is how the troop has kept up with our community

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