[Bobwhite Blather] Co-ed Cub Scouting: Not yet, but how soon?

Bobwhite Blather Scouting Blog bobwhiteblather at lists.bobwhiteblather.com
Mon Jun 5 05:01:31 PDT 2017

There's a new item at Bobwhite Blather: 'Co-ed Cub Scouting: Not yet, but how

If you're on one of your council's committees, you might have seen the
announcement from Chief Scout Executive Michael Surbaugh last week summarizing
the discussions held at the Boy Scouts of America National Annual Meeting over
the Memorial Day weekend. One of the topics of discussion was about broadening
the constituency of our traditional programs in Scouting. Essentially, they're
considering the topic of bringing girls in, particularly to Cub Scouts.

There are many arguments for and against, of course. Many will hold that boys
need to interact with other boys with similar interests; that single-sex
programs have been the traditional hallmark of our Scouting programs in the
United States since their inception; and that many activities meant for boys
just don't apply to girls.

However, the realities of today's busy families, especially non-traditional
ones, mean that parents are spread thin trying to accommodate their children's
activities and interests.

Read the rest of this post at

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