[Bobwhite Blather] Advancement educational presentations

Bobwhite Blather Scouting Blog bobwhiteblather at lists.bobwhiteblather.com
Mon May 13 05:01:24 PDT 2013

Bobwhite Blather has posted a new item, 'Advancement educational presentations'

One could argue that uniforming is the most visible of the eight methods of
Scouting, even though a lot of boys would rather be invisible while in uniform!
The method of advancement, however, certainly has a lot of impact and affects
just about every aspect of what we do. Scouts like to advance and earn badges
for the things they do. Much of the Scout handbook is devoted to rank
advancement requirements and ways to get there.

To define exactly how advancement is handled, the Boy Scouts of America provides
us with an excellent publication, the Guide to Advancement. Issued in 2011,
the Guide covers nearly every conceivable aspect to advancement across all
programs of the BSA. But one book can't do the job by itself, so there are
supplemental educational presentations that help Scoutmasters, committee members
and merit badge counselors navigate the maze of administering the advancement
program within the unit.

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Best regards,
Frank Maynard
email: scouter at fmaynard.com

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