[Bobwhite Blather] Scouting's triangles

Bobwhite Blather Scouting Blog bobwhiteblather at lists.bobwhiteblather.com
Mon Feb 17 05:02:29 PST 2014

Bobwhite Blather has posted a new item, 'Scouting's triangles'

A triangle is the simplest two-dimensional figure and is one of the strongest in
nature. The world is made of triangles, from honeycombs to bridge trusses. Three
is a magic number in many ways beyond the familiar Bob Dorough song popularized
in the TV series Schoolhouse Rock, including within the Scouting movement.

This past week, Bryan Spellman, Scouting Magazine's editor, posted on his blog
an item about the Scouting triangle, likening it to the triangle of fire. In the
triangle of fire, you need to have fuel, oxygen and ignition. If any one of
these is missing, you can't have a fire. His Scouting triangle consists of
youth, program and trained adults. Same thing - if a side goes missing, the
movement falls apart.

This is just one of the triangles in Scouting, though. There are many more
situations where three is the magic number that keeps us moving

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Best regards,
Frank Maynard
email: scouter at fmaynard.com

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