[Bobwhite Blather] What kind of a leader are you?

Bobwhite Blather Scouting Blog bobwhiteblather at lists.bobwhiteblather.com
Thu Mar 19 10:00:54 PDT 2015

There's a new item at Bobwhite Blather: 'What kind of a leader are you?'

With the renewed emphasis on leadership - something Scouting has always produced
as a by-product of our program - we're compelled to examine just what we mean by

It's been said that leadership is all about getting results. That's truly the
bottom line, when you think about it. Without leadership, people and
organizations would wander aimlessly and not get anything cohesive done.

But what are we trying to get done?

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Bobwhite Blather
scouter at fmaynard.com

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