[Bobwhite Blather] Our job is to enable success

Bobwhite Blather Scouting Blog bobwhiteblather at lists.bobwhiteblather.com
Thu Mar 5 05:02:07 PST 2015

There's a new item at Bobwhite Blather: 'Our job is to enable success'

I doubt there's anyone who hasn't felt frustration at how poorly or
inefficiently our Scouts go about doing tasks at one point or another. We all
know how to set up a tent - and could beat almost any Scout in a competition -
how to cook in the outdoors, how to lead a meeting, plan an outing, pack a
trailer or shop for groceries for a campout.

All too often, adults feel the need to take over some of these jobs so they'll
be done "right".

But is that the point?

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Bobwhite Blather
scouter at fmaynard.com

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